It took me around one and a half day to pen this journey of love and I would like to thank and forgive that one who has been a source of it. And when I said I really forgive you, I mean it but I never forget what you have done.
Hey you! Yea you my lady! Oh! No... I mean you my Ex Lady (the word Ex means Expired), hummm...you are right I am talking about you, my 331days infatuations, 52days Mistakes and over all 383days realization of my life. Hey do not disturb me, let me finish what I mean to say you in my last word...
I was speechless today at what you said to me. I am sorry I couldn’t speak a word or then because your words took my breath away and you know I have never been that good in expressing anything. Please don’t be worried by seeing those word, I am perfectly ok. I think that in those days I have done enough with you and nowadays I am tired and frustrated of our blush relationship. That is why, I take my mind in a point of view to finish the unfinished relation with you my dear Ex and I am going to turning up my mind from you my dear Future Ex. Good Bye forever and no, never, noway I can’t still be a friend with you my Ex.
It’s you, not me! Yea it’s you who make me think like that! Yes it’s you not me, who played with my feelings, my realizations and obviously with my trust. So, I would like to through you out of my life by the way you come in and right now I promised myself to turning up my mind from the way you make me fond to be loved with you. And, yea obviously I am taking my mind, heart and soul with me, they are coming with me, yes its ofcourse and there is no discussion about it!!!
On the way to my turning up, my dear past I leaving you all my sorrows and you can keep my regrets as well as you can even keep my pain, woefulness and loneliness, because I am not a sorrow-sensualist so you have to keep them all my dear past.
Miss Ex, I am not interested to leave you my mistakes because I want to learn from them, but, I want to leave you all my memories and you can have them all, definitely you have to keep them forever. I only take my mind, heart and soul from you, which once I given you unconditionally, yea obviously they are coming with me there is no doubt, oh! Please don’t be upset if I don’t let them to remember you my dear Ex.
Hey! This is for you, yea it’s for you Miss Future Ex, yes you were never been there for me but you always give me a hope to come, but still you never! That is why; I am giving you all my expectations, hopes and dreams. I am also giving you all my infatuations which I hold in my heart from long and also giving you my unnecessary plans, imagination and trusts, which I don’t want to keep them with me, and all my fretfulness and one thing we are no in touch anymore Miss Future Ex.
I have to turning up. I will be looking for someone else, I am decided, and I had to choose... So, I would like to welcome you to meet Miss PRESENT... your complete replacement... No! No! It’s the real truth and you have to meet, my dear Miss Past and Miss Future.
Hey! Listen Miss Past and Miss Future, I am in love with the Present and this is the reality of life and there is a no place for lie. Obviously this is where I want to be and I take my mind, heart and soul with me and my life is going to ensure there as glowing!!! And I swear to live fully in each and every moment because it will never happen ever again, never, no, never in all perpetuity, and I will love myself in it, in the very moment, and I will be the each and every moment!!!
Now, my days will not anymore be a flyover from the past to an “enhanced” future, no more running from yesterday to tomorrow, and no more crying for the enormous past, no more fear for the boundless future!!!
My life is just here, just now, without perceptive, without analyzing, without waiting and without compromising for something else …just orchestrating my soul with life, and listening to fantastic melody!!!
The smell of my fresh room, the taste of tea in this morning, my books, my works, now that’s life, and is amazing and it feels very, very good!!!
Much better than any promised future, and much enhanced than any gone past! Because; I am decided to turning up.
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